Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Glasses Update

I know that I post often about Hoss' glasses and the revolving door of replacing those, and, well, here is yet another post about this saga! Hopefully the cycle of broken glasses will slow down, but I have a feeling this is only going to continue and get worse.

I was able to move Hoss' eye appointment from May to yesterday. It made sense to me not to continue with getting a new pair of frames if he was going to need to get new lenses a month later. Well, the doctor did not want to check his eyes at this visit since he is doing well with his glasses (despite ripping them off and breaking them in half...which I think has nothing to do with no being able to see, but more with having ear infections, being sleeping, and being 18 months old). I was prepared to speak with the eye glass tech about other options for Hoss and cheaper frames, etc.

Maybe it was the screaming toddler in my arms or the completely pitiful look on my face, the bags under my eyes from only 6 hours of sleep, or the desperation in my voice...whatever it was, the tech was able to cover the frames with Hoss' warranty again!

I had called the office a few days prior to ask about this and they told me that only 1 replacement was possible (and we used that 2 months ago) and I would have to pay $130+ for a new pair. I had been frantically calling around to other eyeglass stores trying to find the best deal and I was prepared to walk out of the office with the same taped together frames we walked in with to find a better deal, but FREE is the best deal I know of.

I am certain this will never happen again, but it sure made me happy today!

As I was researching the best pair of glasses to get for Hoss I stumbled upon these glasses. One of the stores I called recommended them so I thought I would check them out online. Now, I don't think I am a vain person, but I just could not put these glasses on my baby boy. Yes, they may be unbreakable and may stop the contant replacement of glasses, but I just don't think I could put them on the face of my red headed baby. Maybe I am vain...


Jennifer Swanepoel said...

No, you're not vain. NOBODY should put glasses like those on their child. Yikes!!

Jessica said...

I'm glad someone agrees with me! I don't feel so bad now! :-)