Wednesday, June 20, 2007

WFMW -- Sonic Rodent Away

If you are a regular reader here you know that I have had a small rodent problem in the past week. Saturday, after the official proof of a rodent, we went out and purchased an Ultrasonic Mouse Repeller (I linked to the manufacturer of our brand; however, the website is not working right now, so check back and see if interested and try later!). So far, so good. From what I have read these have mixed reviews; however, my review is that we have had no evidence or sounds of little rodent feet in our home since we put these high pitch sounds boxes! If you have small rodent pets (which if you do, please stay far away from my house with those!) this type of rodent repeller is not for you. Also, I've read that if you have typical indoor house pets (dogs, cat) some may hear this sound as well and if you believe you have sensitive hearing, these may not be good for you. We have not heard any sounds ourselves; however, I have read that some humans have been able to hear the sound the Ultrasonic Mouse Repeller emits.

However, if you are a big chicken when it comes to uninvited rodents (like we are) then this is a great solution. We purchased our's at Wal*Mart for $15.

The Ultrasonic Rodent Repeller works for me! For more Works for Me Wednesday tips visit Rocks in My Dryer.


ellen b. said...

I hear those high pitched sounds work on repelling teenagers, too. :) Glad the pitter patter has ceased!

Jennifer Swanepoel said...

So glad you're rodent-free!!