Saturday, October 27, 2007

Is it time for cake yet?

Today Jake and I went to a baby shower for my cousin. About half way through the shower, Jake decided he was tired of waiting for cake and decided to help himself.

And here's the cake, after Jake's snack.

I took the last picture just for the blog. I said, I should take a picture of the cake and my mom said, "yeah, so you can blog about it." Ha! Ha! :)


Pam said...

Oh, no! Loved the second picture! You just have to laugh about these things.

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

That is funny! I can't tell you how many times I caught my daughter just before she did that.

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Sonya said...

LOL! My hubby and kids do this all the time. Of course, I'm always taking pics of stuff to blog about so I guess it's only natural that they try and help me out!

This pic is too funny!

Jessie said...

Now that's funny!