Friday, February 9, 2007

Woo Hoo...I have made it!

I have regular readers!

I have received comments from Qtpies7 a couple times, and great comments they were...good advice. So I decided I should frequent Qtpies7's blog since she so kindly is frequenting mine. And you know what I discovered??? (Besides that the 7 in her name means that she has 7 kids...she deserves some recognition just for that! Oh, and our husbands have the same name)

I have made someone's blog list!

Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!

Someone thinks I'm good enough to add me to a list! So Qtpie7, welcome to my list of frequented blogs and hopefully I will soon send some comments your way.

Then I received a comment on my blog yesterday from Janelle. She promised to return to this very blog so I figured I should check out this Janelle person. I discovered that we have at least one thing in common, we are working mothers. And we have sons, well, I only have one, but she has 3, so boys are common ground. We working mothers of sons have to stick together so Janelle, welcome aboard to my frequented blogs!

I am looking forward getting to know you two and everyone else in bloggy land!


Qtpies7 said...

Oh my gosh! You just tickled me pink! As soon as I saw this I IM'd it to my mom! LOL How fun it is to find someone blogging about me!

Janelle said...

I told you I'd be back! And you mentioned me! How fun!!

Janean said...

Hi! Came over to check out your blog from QTPies7. She's hostessing the birthstory contest and so I got all into reading her stuff...and you showed up! So thought I would say hello. You have some great names on your blogroll. I read most of them, too.
Have a great week!!