Side note: If you ever notice, anytime a boy in a cartoon or such has red hair, 9 times out of 10 he is also wearing glasses. 7 times out of 10 he is overweight or "geeky." Interesting.
I immediately made a mental note to bring my camera to allow my little man to pose by his lookalike. I remembered on the last day of VBS.
Aren't they cute?
So cute! Great look a likes! :)
This is hilarious! I have always thought Moose looked like Calvin from Calvin & Hobbes;)
That is cute! I bet he loved it!
I've known a few red-headed boys, and they all did wear glasses. One in 3 were fat, two were nerdy. The third one could be nerdy, but I'm not in school anymore, so I don't know, lol.
So so cute!
That's AWESOME!!! Did he think it looked like him too?
You are right, he is adorable. I can't remember knowing an red-headed boys...
Wait, there was one. He played soccer and one of my friends had a crush on him. He looked like the boy on the Campell soup labels.
Oh my goodness! That is too cute! He looks so funny!
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