Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Works for Me Wednesday -- Car Air Conditioning

A couple months ago I had to get my car's air conditioner fixed. It had not been working all summer and it was far too hot to continue without air conditioning in the car. So I took it in and had it fixed. Which was not as painful as I initially thought.

The mechanic was very friendly and he gave me great advice that I had never heard before. He showed me a button for my A/C (one I believe is in most cars) that shows air circulating throughout the car. He said to make sure this button is on when using the A/C. He said that the air will circulate throughout the car and back in and the cooler air in the car will prevent the A/C from working too hard. If you don't use this the A/C will pull in air from outside the car (probably near the engine) and it works harder to cool the air.

I can tell a definite difference between how long it takes for the air to cool when I forget to use the circulating button. That's what works for me. For more great tips visit Shannon!


Anonymous said...

Great advice!

Fratzels said...

Cool. I love it when you find a good mechanic and they give good advice.

Rachel said...

Thanks - I never knew what the button was for, just knew it made it blow harder - thanks for filling me in!